First and foremost, a very big congratulations to you!! Because if you are reading this, either you or someone in your close circle is about to deliver not one, but two little miracles of life.
"I take life as it comes and just hope it keeps coming." – Ashleigh Brilliant
This quote might be fitting for many situations in life, but the arrival of your babies does require some preparedness.
Just like any singleton parents need to prepare themselves for the birth and life after that, we, as expecting twin parents, need a double dose of that. No matter how well-prepared we seem, we are never ready to take the ride ahead, because every child comes with its own struggles, and every parent needs to tackle it in their own best possible way. However, some pre-planning and preparedness can give you the courage to take the bumpy ride ahead, hoping for some smoother slides on the way.
In This Article
The journey starts as soon as you hear two heartbeats in your sonography.
During my entire pregnancy journey with my twin daughters, I realized that the toughest part was coming to terms with the fact that we were having twins; everything else followed. Once you make peace with the fact that you will suddenly be a family of four (if it is your first pregnancy), the journey ahead seems a lot easier. My friends and relatives were so happy for me, saying I would not have to go through the entire process of pregnancy, birthing, and then raising babies again. Still, acceptance takes time. In cases of pregnancies with treatments like IVF, one is more prepared from the very beginning. So, take your time to accept that you will be a parent to not one but two little bundles of joy and let that feeling sink in. As all my friends said, my life is sorted!
No comparisons, no botherations.
Now that you know you are going to have two, it is very important not to compare your journey with other moms around. There will be advice and suggestions pouring in from all directions, but you need to understand that your journey is going to be different, and make your family understand that too. You can definitely learn from others’ experiences and use them for precautionary measures, if need be, but don’t let anything bother you. Rather, enjoy your pregnancy to the fullest because, for most of us, there would not be another chance. So, sit back and follow your doctor’s instructions.
Be prepared for a C-section delivery.
While vaginal delivery is always an option, you are more likely to give birth via cesarean (chances of vaginal delivery are higher abroad). Have faith in your doctor and do not be fussy about the type of delivery. Our ultimate aim should be delivering two healthy babies, with no risk to our lives as well.
You should be ready to remain extra cautious during your pregnancy.
Women pregnant with twins are more susceptible to anemia, so you need to be extra careful about your health. You will probably be prescribed extra vitamins and minerals. You may be visiting your doctor and going for sonographies more frequently than singleton moms. Also, there are chances that you may not be allowed to go on your babymoon as a precautionary measure. But you two can definitely plan a weekend getaway at a nearby resort to enjoy the calmness in your lives before the chaos!
Stop looking for stereotypical symptoms.
Studies show that twin birth rates in India is less than one in hundred births. So, you are part of a unique phenomenon. Stop looking for stereotypical notions such as nausea occurring only in the first trimester or the shape of your baby bump or taste preferences determining the gender of your babies.
Don’t expect double weight gain.
Yes, you are bearing twins, but that does not mean your weight gain will be multiplied by two. Of course, you are supposed to eat more calories, but not double. Follow a healthy lifestyle and diet, eat good carbs, and focus on your mental, emotional, and physical health. The weight gain of the babies will be normal while keeping a check on your own weight. It is not necessary that you need to look as if you are carrying two. Weight gain is affected by many factors—lifestyle, genetics, heredity, among others. So, you can gain or even lose some weight in the early pregnancy days, and that is all normal. Just keep a check with your doctor to see the development of the two little souls inside you.
You can expect more heaviness and tiredness.
Since you are carrying the weight of not one but two, you may find it difficult to sleep by the end of the second trimester, which is an early symptom compared to singleton pregnancies. As the babies gain weight, you can feel more pressure on your uterus, making it a bit difficult to sleep. But do not let this stop you from your daily walks or workout sessions (after your doctor’s permission).
Be prepared to pack your Hospital bag in advance.
As we carry the weight of not just one but two little ones inside our womb, we need to be prepared for an early delivery. As per doctors, a delivery after 32nd week of pregnancy is considered to be absolutely safe in case of multiple pregnancy. Though they try to stretch it as much as they can-till 36th or may even be for 37th or 38th week (if all other factors are normal). So, you cannot afford to delay packing your hospital bag as procrastination will not help. I delivered my twins at the start of 37th week and was ready with my bag from the 33rd week itself. You can always keep adding or removing stuff from it as per your need.
The most important is to prepare your mind. The time post-delivery is going to be exhausting, so make sure to enjoy your pregnancy to the fullest. Learn to be positive, try any sort of prenatal exercises such as Yoga, walking or anything that suits your body and is permitted by your doctor. You can also try breathing techniques, self-help books, and listen to audiobooks. In my experience, anxiety, doubts, and fears are bound to creep in. So, this is the best and rather the only time to fill your mind with positivity and intent - “Come what may, I will have the best time with my children, and they shall only have the most positive and happy vibes around them.”